miércoles, 24 de mayo de 2017

"Lion Heart"

Here I live an essay about how Amanda Chong conveys a sense of admiration on the poem "Lion Heart". 

In  this essay I am going to talk about how Amanda Chong conveys a sense of pride toward his country Singapore over the poem “Lion Heart”. Over the poem she talks about the Merlion, this is the mythical creator of Singapore. I personally believe that she conveys the sense of admiration by describing the Merlion as the most magnificent being in history.
In the first line of the first stanza when she said” you came out of the sea” show me that she has admiration to him because I commonly used “you” on this context to talk about someone that I feel is superior. Also on the second line “out of the sea,/ skin dappled in scales of sunlight” refers that Singapore is a city created by the sea and how Singapore emerged from the ocean as well as the Merlion. she Also conveys a sense of admiration using literary devices.
“In Crackling boats, seeds arrived, wind-blown,/ you summoned their colors to the palm /of your hand…” this brings up the idea of the new habitants of the city and how they abundantly became more and more, saying how fast the city has grown up.
In the stanza number five, we can see that the city has grown a lot over centuries. Stanzas 6-7-8 refer to how the Singaporean people  is forgetting their own origins and also forgetting the Merlion actions in the country, how he create it and the culture he have to them, also on the last line of the last stanza “ Five stars in the red tapestry of your sky” refer to the Singapore flag  and is a call for them to look to their country in all that they do. This last stanza conveys a sense of admiration for me because it is in a very patriotic way like here in Argentina when we said: “Argentinian Republic”.

To conclude the poem is too patriotic. In my opinion is good to be patriotic and have love for your own country and origins, but too much sometimes gets as a selfish person to me, this may be the result of the not so much love I have to my own country and how the other cultures invade our by the new technologies and the fast access we have to cultures in other countries. 

1 comentario:

  1. Your essay now answers the main question in each of its paragraphs. I still think you could have quoted and analysed some more lines.
    Good work!
    7 (seven)
