viernes, 24 de noviembre de 2017

El alcoholismo

En la clase de Salud y Adolescencia, hicimos un video sobre el alcoholismo, los energizantes, etc. para concientizar a la gente sobre los problemas que puede traer el excesivo consumo de estas bebidas.

lunes, 20 de noviembre de 2017

Quarterly Literature

For the quarterly of literature, we had to select two stories, two poems that we read and analyze throughout the year and "An Inspector Calls". We had to select some themes of the stories and poems that we choose and make thematic statements, then we select a quote to support the thematic statement. Finally, we had to make collages that represent the themes of each story.

Drama: "An Inspector Calls".

Poetry: "Sredni Vashtar" and "Billenium".

Poems: "Love (III)" and "Father Returning Home". 

miércoles, 12 de julio de 2017

Distribution of Water

The water cycle is a process that recycles water and nutrients. It’s the endless exchange of water between land and water-bodies.
This Process starts when water from various areas like oceans, rivers, lakes, ponds, puddles evaporates and goes to the sky and form clouds while being cooled. 
Once clouds are filled with water, precipitation develop, and waters comes back in form of rain, ice, sleet or snow. And since now two things can take effect: Water could become part of the ground, flowing into oceans or lakes by rivers and streams. Or it could go back up to the atmosphere and the cycle restart.
It’s very important for this to happen  because it deliver fresh water to every living being. Approximately 97 percent of the amount of water on earth  is stored in the oceans, and just a bite of the remaining 3 percent is usable as  freshwater. So if we change  the common  amount of water that go into ocean and lakes, the consequences could be a decrease in the volume of water that filtrates into the ground.

lunes, 5 de junio de 2017

Hurricane Andrew

Hurricane Andrew occurred in August 1992 (16/08-28/08) and at that time it was the most destructive one. This hurricane affected The Bahamas, south Florida, Louisiana and other areas of Southern United States. Hurricane Andrew has caused an economic damage of 26.5 billion
(1992 US Dolar) Also, this hurricane caused 65 deaths. This hurricane mostly affected South Florida, where it creates a landfall at the category of 5 hurricane intensity on the Saffir-Simpson hurricane scale and winds up to 270 Km/h destroying the town of Homestead, Florida, and Miami.
Andrew caused the loss almost 25,500 houses and affected 100,000.

Hurricane Andrew originated from a tropical wave in august 16 over the central Atlantic Ocean. This was the first tropical cyclone of the season.

miércoles, 24 de mayo de 2017

"Lion Heart"

Here I live an essay about how Amanda Chong conveys a sense of admiration on the poem "Lion Heart". 

In  this essay I am going to talk about how Amanda Chong conveys a sense of pride toward his country Singapore over the poem “Lion Heart”. Over the poem she talks about the Merlion, this is the mythical creator of Singapore. I personally believe that she conveys the sense of admiration by describing the Merlion as the most magnificent being in history.
In the first line of the first stanza when she said” you came out of the sea” show me that she has admiration to him because I commonly used “you” on this context to talk about someone that I feel is superior. Also on the second line “out of the sea,/ skin dappled in scales of sunlight” refers that Singapore is a city created by the sea and how Singapore emerged from the ocean as well as the Merlion. she Also conveys a sense of admiration using literary devices.
“In Crackling boats, seeds arrived, wind-blown,/ you summoned their colors to the palm /of your hand…” this brings up the idea of the new habitants of the city and how they abundantly became more and more, saying how fast the city has grown up.
In the stanza number five, we can see that the city has grown a lot over centuries. Stanzas 6-7-8 refer to how the Singaporean people  is forgetting their own origins and also forgetting the Merlion actions in the country, how he create it and the culture he have to them, also on the last line of the last stanza “ Five stars in the red tapestry of your sky” refer to the Singapore flag  and is a call for them to look to their country in all that they do. This last stanza conveys a sense of admiration for me because it is in a very patriotic way like here in Argentina when we said: “Argentinian Republic”.

To conclude the poem is too patriotic. In my opinion is good to be patriotic and have love for your own country and origins, but too much sometimes gets as a selfish person to me, this may be the result of the not so much love I have to my own country and how the other cultures invade our by the new technologies and the fast access we have to cultures in other countries. 

lunes, 22 de mayo de 2017

Your Absence

In class, we make a poem with the topic of someone we have lost. Also, we have to create a mythological creature that protect us. Here is my poem.

     Your Absence 

Over the years I had you
Your death was not an option,
Everyday with you near me
Like a leaf and a tree.

A difficult process your absence.
You are not at home
You are not at dinner.
But now you will never be on earth anymore.

Ademia and Adelphe  my companions on this new life,
they are my last chance to have a happy life.
At home sad, but happy for you do not suffer anymore.
Besides, sadness embraces our hearts.

Now three at home
And your chair is going to be empty forever.
Anyone will replace you.
Ademia and Adelphe will always  going to protect me.
Now with them I am going to be safe.

viernes, 19 de mayo de 2017


In the language class with Andrea, we read a story called "Fire". After reading the story we produced a script of a radio play including the protagonists of the story and an interviewer. In the radio play, we had to include sound effects, simple past - past continuous and past perfect, sequence connectors, a wide range of vocabulary and an extra scene.


-Interviewer: Good morning Australia! Today we are going to interview the survivors of the Australian bush. So, I am glad to introduce the boy: Harry, Wallace and Graham.
-Harry: Hello.
-Graham: Hi.
-Wallace: Hello.
-Interviewer: So, can you tell us what happened that night?
-Wallace: Well, we were camping in the woods and one of us was boiling water. So, we realized that the battery was flat.
-Harry: I was searching for the metho bottle when I felt it was almost empty and I couldn't find the cork. So, I heard a scream from Wallace, then I saw an arc of fire, little but over the time it get bigger and bigger.
-Interviewer: So, do yo remember who started the fire?
-Graham: It as actually me, I lost the cork before Harry goes to fetch it, I never told them before, but the three of us are blamed by the law.
-Interviewer: You mention that the law blamed you, what are you referring to?
-Harry: He was referring to the ticket the police gave us. We had to pay $200 dollars and also we had to work for the government for three weeks.
-Interviewer: So glad to come here, goodbye to the three of you and to all Australia.
-Harry: Bye
-Graham: Bye
-Wallace: Goodbye.

viernes, 12 de mayo de 2017

Funciones de los seres vivos

En clase de biologia hicimos un cuadro comparativo con distintas caracteristicas de distintos seres vivos, por ejemplo como respiran o como es su sistema circulatorio.Cuadro comparativo de distintos seres vivos.

martes, 9 de mayo de 2017

How to Get Away with Murder

In the Language class with Andrea, we have been watching "How to get away with murder" by ABC. The teacher told us to select a scene from  the series and create a graphic novel describing the scene and including the dialogues and sound effects. During this scene the character, Rebecca was in a motel waiting for Wes, Laurel, Connor and Michaela to clean the crime scene. 
In order to create this graphic novel, we used Pixton. It was a bit hard as we had to create the characters as similar as possible to the ones in the series. For example, regarding Rebecca, we had to change the colour of the skin and her clothes.
I hope you enjoy it!!!!!

René Favaloro

El 9 de mayo de 1967, un argentino en una clínica de Cleveland, EE.UU., revolucionó la cirugía cardiovascular y se convirtió en un referente global cuya técnica, conocida como bypass, salvó la vida de millones de personas en todo el mundo.
El 29 de julio del año 2000, Favaloro se encerró en el baño de su casa y se disparó un tiro en el corazón.
Tras el desenlace fatal, se conoció que Favaloro había dejado en su departamento siete cartas cuyo contenido se reveló parcialmente. En una de ellas, dirigida a las autoridades competentes, dejaba en claro que había decidido quitarse la vida, y explicaba que la crisis económica que atravesaba la Fundación Favaloro había sido el desencadenante de su determinación, expresando que la sociedad argentina necesitaba de su muerte para tomar conciencia de los problemas en los que estaba envuelta. Favaloro expresaba su cansancio de ser un mendigo en su propio país, luego de los reclamos enviados al entonces presidente de la Nación Fernando de la Rúa, en los cuales solicitaba entre otras cuestiones el pago de las deudas millonarias que mantenían con su fundación varias obras sociales, siendo la más abultada la contraída por PAMI.
En la enfermedad de las arterias coronarias (EAC), las arterias que suministran sangre y oxígeno al músculo cardíaco se endurecen y se estrechan. Puede seguir tratamientos como cambios en el estilo de vida, medicamentos y angioplastía, un procedimiento para abrir las arterias. Si estos tratamientos no funcionan, es posible que necesite un bypass de arteria coronaria.
La cirugía crea un nuevo camino para que la sangre llegue al corazón.
El grupo argentino de punk rock Attaque 77 le dedicó la canción y el videoclip «Western» del álbum Antihumano del año 2003. Fue el primer corte de difusión del disco y se trataba de un homenaje a René Favaloro.28 También la banda argentina Bersuit Vergarabat hizo mención a su suicidio en el tema La argentinidad al palo, del disco del mismo nombre.

creación de la Cátedra de Cirugía Cardiovascular


ü  John Scott de 1979

ü  el premio Maestro de la Medicina Argentina (1986)

ü  premio Distinguished Alumnus Award de la Cleveland Clinic Foundation (1987)

ü  Gairdner Foundation International Award, otorgado por la Gairdner Foundation (Toronto, Canadá, 1987)

ü  el premio René Leriche de 1989, otorgado por la Sociedad Internacional de Cirugía;

ü  el Golden Plate Award de la American Academy of Achievement (1993)

ü  posmórtem, en el año 2010, oportunidad en la cual la Fundación Internacional de Jóvenes Líderes lo considerara.
