lunes, 27 de marzo de 2017

¿Son los virus seres vivos?

En clase estuvimos enfocándonos en los distintos tipos de organización de los seres vivos. En esta oportunidad se nos ha pedido analizar a los virus y dar nuestra opinión acerca  de que es un virus y si se puede  considerar como un ser vivo. Un virus es un microorganismo compuesto de material genético protegido por un envoltorios proteico que causa diversas enfermedades introduciéndose como parasito en una célula para reproducirse en ella. Los distintos tipos de virus tienen distintos tamaños  y formas. El significado de la palabra “virus” es veneno o toxina, las principales características de los  virus son:
-Los virus poseen una estructura sencilla y presentan distintas formas.
-No  tienen nutrición, ni reproducción y no lo hacen porque no tienen metabolismo.
-Lo único que realizan los virus es la relación. 
Los virus se ubican en el nivel de organización molecular ya que sólo poseen un tipo de ácido nucleico recubierto dentro de una cápside proteica, necesitan de una célula huésped para su replicación.

Son o no son  seres vivo?
Los virus se prodrian considerar seres vivos ya que pueden reproducirse, pero estos no son considerados seres vivosporque  no tienemetabolismo este  elemento es clave   clave para determinar que algo es un ser vivo, si tiene metabolismo es un ser vivo y si no lo tiene no es, pero los virus también tienen características de seres vivos

finalmente, desde mi punto de vista los virus no son seres vivos ya que no logran formar un nivel de organizacion suficiente para serlo y ademas no son capaces de nutrirse.

Fuentes consultadas:

miércoles, 22 de marzo de 2017

"Elastic Heart"

March 22, 2017

Elastic Heart 

The video “Elastic Heart” direct by Daniel Askill and Sia, is a very difficult video to understand and realized what is actually happen. From my view the video is about a problem that happen on the past and he is  trying to be out of that problem that is seems to affect him , the girl is the personification of that problem.
During the beginning of the video the two  of them where in the cage and they can be together without problem. this can represent . the man have a preocupante face and the girls reflect a normar person. The problem is too big for him that make imposible to be away of it. Follow this part the girl start following the man and he try to get away, maybe the girl represent life and he is trying to escape from life. 
Like this part when she spins and lets it loose letting it beat against the bars symbolizes that the more he want to flee, the more involved he will be and he will feel more bad than before. This repeat two more times on the same moment. Then he climb on the cliff of the cage trying to escape from the girl and trying to be out from his reality. when the girl put his hands on his eyes mean that the problem doesn't allow to go ahead with his life.
After some seconds after the man climb in the video and its like the girl seems to be die, after some seconds he go down like if the problem overcome him again, the video from my point of you is always the same repetition of the same thing. Subsequently the video continue with both lying on the floor, the girl like innoscent and he is trying to connect with her again, but the girl bit him and go celebrate she has him again, and she Feeds on its weakness.At this moments is clear that  the girls(the problem) is the queen of his mind.

as a conclusion the video is based on the constante appear of  a past dilemma on the man life, this is represent by the girl that always is cheating on him. the title “Elastic Heart” means in my opinion the elasticity of the human being, we always are having some problem and we let the problem to intervene on our life and we give less time to what really matters. I think that this video gives a message to the people that live more the problem than the life.