jueves, 3 de septiembre de 2015

The tale of the four brothers

2000 years ago there was a palace. There lived four brothers that they called Richard, Ginny, George and Edward. These four brothers lived one in a corner of the palace, and the other three in the opposite corner. They lived twenty years there, but they never had problems. But one night they started to listen noises all around the palace, there were four ghosts. The four brothers had to go downtown to solve the problem, but the downtown was 3000 kilometers away. They prepared to go whit horses and food, but they realized that they had been walking in the same way so they decided to return home. They arrived and sent a telegram to the wizard. In the waiting time they decide to sleep and be all the time together. The four ghosts followed all the time and they didn't revive any news of the wizard, so they decide, another time, to go to the downtown ,but now in different ways, two through the river, in a boat and the other two on the ground into the mountains.
The ones that arrived first were the to that went in the boat, Gerge and Ginny.. The two went to the house of the wizard, but the wizard had to go with them to the casttle. Then they arrived at the casttle. they went to find the ghosts, but they had gone.
The two brothers, ginny and george have been looking for Edward and Richard, bu the didn't find them. Once, twenty five years later the two brothers appeared coming into the casttle, but ginny and george felt a shot in th back part of them bodies, and that was the last time that the four brothers met toghether.

Flyer Rebelion en la granja

En la materia TICS hicimos un flyer(folleto) virtual usando smore,una aplicacion para hacer presentaciones,flyers,etc.En mi folleto tengo que simular que era el Sr Jones (dueño de la granja en el cuento)pidiendo gente para recuperar su granja.

miércoles, 2 de septiembre de 2015

Descripción de Mr Jones

El granjero Jones, personaje de rebelión en la granja era adicto a el alcohol y de mal temperamento, aparte de eso no era bueno administrando la granja.
Rebelión en la granja es una sátira basada en la revolución rusa, mr. Jones representa a el zar Nicolás II, por su mal organización del país y no dar al pueblo completamente lo que querían.También por ser un líder impopular y estar alejado del pueblo y Jones es cruel con sus animales, y su salida de la granja tiende a ser su propia culpa.

Rebelión en la granja (thinglink)

En la materia TICS hicimos un ThingLink con información de un personaje de el cuento-sátira llamado Rebelión en la Granja,en este caso a mi me toco el Sr.Jones adicto al alcohol,malo y dueño de la granja (hasta que lo sacan sus animales).Yo,en mi caso hice dos ThingLinks uno del Sr.Jones y otro de Nicolas Zar II,personaje en el cual se basa el Sr.Jones.